Nate and Ally first met online, but Nate decided it wasn’t a fit, so he deleted her. Then Ally accidentally “super-liked” him instead of swiping the other way. A year-and-a-half later, that one small “accident” snowballed into a proposal at Ally’s family cabin. While at the lake, Jax, the Yellow Lab ran from the cabin with a yellow bandana that said, “will you marry my dad,” and that’s when Nate got down on one knee. Both families watched for afar and afterward, Maverick, Nate’s second dog, came down with another bandana saying, “she said yes!”
Scott and Caitlyn Engagement Pics
Scott proposed to Caitlyn on their fourth anniversary; apparently, he was not very sneaky. Usually, Caitlyn is the planner, but Scott had the night covered. It was the first of many suspicious clues. The evening started at the restaurant where they had their first date. After dinner, Scott suggested a Ferris wheel ride at Betty Dangers in Northeast Minneapolis- he doesn’t like Ferris wheels or walking around to “view the lights.” Hmm, something was up, and she knew what it was. While Caitlyn was taking pictures, Scott got down on one knee. She turned around, and he didn’t even have a chance to spit out the words. The answer was a resounding, YES.
Arianne and Adam’s Seven Bridges Road Engagement
Shooting at a location like Seven Bridges Road always makes me appreciate the story behind the couple that I am photographing. Adam and Arianne met at work when they started new jobs in July of 2013. While playing for the company-sponsored volleyball team, they learned they both rode the same motorcycle and owned the same pickup truck. Their first date was a bike ride in a hail storm. That was certainly a wild way to get to know each other!
The first time Adam proposed to Arianne, they were just hanging out on the couch talking. He asked if Arianne would marry him, but she wasn’t ready to say yes yet. After two years, he decided to plan the perfect proposal, which would happen while on a trip to Egypt. It would be his second attempt, and it was going to be as unique and romantic as possible.
Just in case she declined again, he decided to wait until the second to last day. They were strolling the beach along the Red Sea looking for sea shells, and Arianne was busy searching for the perfect treasure. Adam took the opportunity to prop his cell phone against a rock so he could record the big event. He slipped the ring inside a shell and placed it with a group of others. She almost threw it into the sea before she realized what was hiding inside the shell. He then swept her off her feet with his words of love and devotion, so she could not resist his charm any longer.
I had a fantastic time with these two during their engagement shoot, and they made the most out of the perfect Duluth day. Adam and I hopped on our cycles for a cruise up the iconic Seven Bridges Road, which runs along the picturesque Amity Creek in East Duluth. Arianne drove the truck instead of riding so their beloved Great Dane, Duke, could be a part of the adventure too!
After getting some great shots by the creek, we headed to beautiful Brighton Beach on the shore of Lake Superior. There is just something special in this spot, and it shows in the photos of this fantastic couple. The beautiful surroundings and great company made this one of my favorite shoots this year. I hope that next time we take a cruise Arianne will join us on the bikes!
Congratulations on your engagement Adam and Arianne. I can’t wait for the wedding!

Love for riding motorcycles brought these two together, so I was excited to get these shots with the bike.