John and Anna’s Northwoods Engagement

City: Duluth, MN Venue:

Engagement photos at Lester Park in Duluth, MN.

When asked to rate their wedding John said “Well – I am a solid 6 (+/-1) and my fiancé, Anna, is a stone cold 10. . . So, I would say our wedding is going to be a strong 15, at least.” It was that moment I knew these two were going to be a fantastic couple. Our engagement photos at Lester Park and Brighton Beach just happened to land on the most beautiful day of the spring up until that point, and just 48 hours earlier there were several inches of snow and ice on the ground. 

John and Anna met at camp and went their separate ways for several years before making it official. Now the couple is planning a destination wedding up the North Shore at the Lutsen Chalet overlooking Lake Superior. If their wedding is anything like their engagement photos, it’s going to be full of laughter, fun, and dry, sarcastic humor. Perfect.

Engagement photos at Lester Park in Duluth, MN.

A little romance along Lester River in Duluth.

Engagement photos with dog at Lester Park in Duluth, MN.

Rory the red lab joined us for an evening stroll in Lester Park.

Engagement photos with red lab at Lester Park in Duluth, MN.

The Nelson Family.

Engagement photos at Brighton Beach in Duluth, MN.

John loves Anna and his Grandpa’s blazer. 🙂

Engagement photos on Lake Superior in Duluth, MN.

Sunset on Lake Superior.

Engagement photos with diamond ring, dog collar, and watches.

His and Hers and Rory’s.

Engagement photos with red lab at Brighton Beach in Duluth, MN.

Shortly after his swim, Rory thought it would be a good idea to roll in the sand.